Monday, June 26, 2006

Libraries Ask about Unconcealed Weapons

While the Kansas Legislature recently passed legislation making it illegal to carry a concealed weapon in a library, some librarians have asked about the status of Kansas law regarding unconcealed weapons and whether or not it is legal to bring unconcealed weapons into a library.

The short answer to this question is that Kansas statutes are silent with regard to unconcealed weapons.

That means there is no state law that makes it illegal to carry an unconcealed weapon in Kansas; therefore, it is presumably legal to carry a firearm or gun on your person, so long as it is visible.

The longer answer to this question is that local governments can regulate such activity by ordinance. Generally speaking then, the question of whether it is legal or illegal to carry an unconcealed weapon or firearm in a library has to be answered at the local level. In fact, a number of cities in Kansas have passed such ordinances. Libraries should inquire with their local city attorney, or prosecutor, as to whether their city has such an ordinance.